Shayla was a Medical Scientist before coming to get Dump Truck, Water Truck, S11 training with our Company.
She loved the training and contacted us recently to let us know that it only took her 6 weeks to get a job.
Here is some of what she said about her job:-
When I got to site, I had 3 days of site inductions and a pit tour.
I had a trainer with me for a week.
They put anyone who is new with a trainer to get better knowledge of site procedures, they make sure you know your pos comms, refuelling, speed zones and other machine cautions.
They will stay with you until they feel comfortable that you will be fine on your own.
One of the guys that was in my inductions had a trainer for 5 weeks, they don’t rush and make sure you are happy to work on your own.
The bigger mines will tell you that they prefer you to take your time and be safe then trying to get lots of runs done. My boss told me I get paid per hour not per load so don’t push to the point of jeopardizing your safety or someone else’s.