Good news to miners. Adani are currently ramping up their recruitment drive for employees.
- Are you ready?
- Do you have the right qualifications?
- Do you have a great resume geared toward the mining industry?
If you answered no (or answered yes with some hesitation), maybe you should check out our website:- www.mysolutiontraining.com.au or contact us on 1300 414 341 for a chat.
Remember, there are going to be many people trying to get these jobs so you need to stand out.
Be Proactive – Get Qualified For The Mines Now
Some people will tell you that you do not need to get any qualifications as the mines will train you.
Whilst that may happen in the odd case, if an employer were to be handed two resumes – one resume with no skills in mining & truck driver training, the other resume with the S11 Safety Induction Certification (teaching you mining safety protocols) plus the required Rigid Dump Truck and Water Truck licence, which resume do you think they would choose?
Be proactive when it comes to your mining career. So many people think nothing of spending A LOT of money on things like clothes, cars, hair, nails, mobile phones, a night out etc but baulk at the idea of spending money to invest in their future.
Guess what? Your clothes fade and go out of fashion, your car decreases in value as soon as you drive it out of the dealership, your hair grows back within a week as do your nails, that night out will be a distant memory and may have added a bit of paunch around the belly, but, investing in your career will not be a waste of time.
Invest In Your Mining Career
I want you to work this out, how much time do you spend travelling to work, being at work, doing unpaid overtime, thinking about work?
How much money do you spend travelling to work, buying clothing, footwear, lunches, coffees etc to get you through the day?
If you are a tradesman, labourer, truck driver etc now, do you work 5 ½ days?
Did you realise that over a 2 week period most of us have 3 – 4 days off in total.
Now imagine being a Dump Truck driver , Water Truck operator in the mines.
Most of the companies in QLD offer 7 days working 7 days off, so over a 2 week period, you have up to 7 quality days at home with the family – spending quality time with the children, your partner, getting jobs around the house done and still having you time.
You get accommodated, fed, clothed, driven to and from work each day AND get paid well to do it (anywhere from $95,000 – $130,000).
Even if you had to pay for your own flights to get to work, remember, you are not paying for fuel, wear and tear on your car, putting up with the daily commute in peak hour traffic etc.
Other mines offer family-friendly rosters if you live locally – the average is 5 days working, 4 days off, 4 days working, 5 days off.
Call My Solution Training For An Obligation Free Chat
If after reading this article, you wish to talk to someone with experience working in a mining training company for 10 years with a husband who is a Dump Truck / Water Truck operator (so understands the positives and negatives of the lifestyle), please feel free to contact us on 1300 414 341.
Also, check out the FAQ section of our website www.mysolutiontraining.com.au, along with the other articles about the mining industry we have for you.