2018 is quickly coming to a close and, I don’t know if it was just me or everyone feels the same way but this year has been absolutely chaotic and stressful and I’m saying bring on a more positive 2019!
The new year brings a time for reflection and this is when we tend to look at our lives and see what we are grateful for and what we could do to improve our lives and make us happier.
One of the main things people look at is job satisfaction.
I mean, let’s face it, we spend more waking hours in our job than anywhere else so if you are not happy there, that means that over 50% of your day is spent in a negative place.
Do you feel you are undervalued? Underpaid? Bored?
You are probably reading this article because you have thought of entering the mining sector.
That’s great but this is where many people stop as they think it is:-
- Too hard – I don’t know where to start / how to look for work / what jobs are out there
- My mates tell me there’s no jobs out there
- All the jobs advertised want experience
- My mate worked in mining and hated it out there
- I don’t want to be away from my family
- I could never drive those huge dump trucks, water trucks
- They’d never employ me – I don’t have any type of work experience that relates to mining
- You have already “started” by going on to our website and hopefully reading all the information we provide. With regards to how and where to look for work, we will provide you with post training support where we will assist you with this information once you have completed the required courses.
- There are so many jobs out there and our students are having great success getting work – most of them within a short period of time. The mines are growing in size again but not like the last massive boom we had where it was crazy. People would seriously walk up to front gate of the mine and get dragged in, not to be seen again for quite awhile as they were desperate for workers. Now it is increasing slowly and sensibly and there are new resources to mine within Australia such as Lithium as well.
- The reason you only see jobs wanting experience is that it takes time and money for an employer to advertise and there are so many people contacting them looking for work they do not need to advertise – they will look at your resume and if you are suitable they will employ you.
- It’s a shame your mate hated it out there but guess what? We are all different (thank goodness otherwise it would be a very boring world). Just because someone didn’t have a good experience does not mean that the same will happen to you. The variation of people that work in the mines as dump truck drivers is astounding. You have people such as:- bank managers, hairdressers, sales people, truck drivers, cab drivers, farmers, school teachers, labourers and the list goes on.
- I can understand your not wanting to be away from family but a lot of people nowadays work 6 days a week and when they finish work for the day are too tired to spend quality time with the family. If you can get a family friendly roster (which is generally a maximum of 7 days away and 7 days home), it means that you will have a full 7 days of being there for the family to spend quality time. It’s quantity versus quality and I think quality wins every time.
- Driving the huge machines is not that hard. They only go a maximum of 40kms per hour and it is not like driving in peak hour traffic with all the chaos around you. Everyone on site knows that the larger machines have right of way and the safety is so stringent on the site that every precaution is taken – remember these machines are worth millions of dollars so the companies will do everything to protect them which in turn protects you. The other thing is that just because the machine is big does not mean that there are a hundred levers you have to use – there is your semi-automatic gear stick, the steering wheel, the brake and the lever for the tip section of the truck or the button to spray the water for the water truck – it’s not rocket science. Plus the mining course company will not expect you to jump in the truck on your own – they will have a trainer with you until they feel comfortable with your skills.
- As I have stated in point 4 that people that work in the mines come from all walks of life. They have people starting their dump truck driving careers who are 18 years old and still on their P plate driving licence. They have people who started their dump truck driving careers at 60+ years of age. They have both males and females driving dump trucks. They have shorter and taller / larger and smaller people driving dump trucks. They have people of all nationalities driving dump trucks.
If you have the right tools ie:- the right courses and the right resume, there is nothing stopping you from getting work in the mines except your own disbelief in your capabilities.
So, after reading all this, what is actually stopping you from creating a new career for you where you actually work to live not live to work???
To find out more about entry level machinery operating, please click on the different course options we have or feel free to contact My Solution on 1300 414 341 for a personalised chat.